Tuesday, August 12, 2008

It's Really Ours?!

Ben spoke to the girl at the title company while I was home at lunch. She said it was done. It's official! We own the house in Florida!

Really? For sure? No other unforseen snags, road blocks, or foolishness?? Seriously? Can you hear the skepticism in my voice?! Yeah. After all this mayhem I need absolute proof. She said the auction was called off for tomorrow. So I guess that's a good sign. I'm still not doing cartwheels yet. I think I'm afraid to get excited. We've been through so many ups and downs lately. Every time we would get excited about it, some other ugly monster would pop it's head up. We never gave up though. We figure, if we try as hard as we can, and we still don't get the house, well than at least we went down swinging.

Have I mentioned that we've already got all the colors picked out to paint the interior? Yep! And we've already chosen the ceiling fans, and flooring. We are ready to go! We've got a drywall guy coming in next Thursday to start with the wall repair. Ben will be driving down on Saturday to oversee the work and do the painting and moldings. He will probably spend about a month there by himself getting it all in tip-top shape. We have a pool guy coming too to get the pool repaired and usable (it needs a new liner and pump). Ben will still work his regular job during the day and then work on the house at night. So what will I be doing while he's not here? (boohoo) I will be packing up the rest of the house in Maryland, and still working at my job. Ben will fly back to Maryland for about 2 weeks, in which we will get the final preparations done for the move. Then we'll get a moving van, pack the truck and off we'll head into the sunset, with visions of palm trees dancing in our heads. teehee I'm getting all tingly just thinking about it. Dare I let myself get excited about it? Hell yeah!

1 comment:

Regina Easter said...

okay so like i want to see pictures of the inside when you start painting......congrats..........