Monday, August 11, 2008


A friend of ours who lives down there decides to call ServPro to get an estimate, at least and find out how soon they can start to clean it up. We're thinking a few hundred dollars, right? Wrong! When all was said and done, their bill alone was $9,000. Yep you read that right, nine thousand dollars!!! And that didn't even include any of the repairs to the flooring, drywall etc... In the midst of this, our realtor found out that the bank had insurance on the house (as they were supposed to) and their insurance would take care of it. And are you wondering what happened with the water company? Well, the story we got was that no, they did not contact our realtor as requested, they turned the water on at the street and at the house, let the meter run for 6 minutes and saw that there was movement so shut the water off at the house and supposedly left a note on the front door. Well, our realtor found no note and obviously the water was left running. Needless to say, the water company is now being sued. So sad that all of this could have been avoided with one simple phone call. Two minutes (at the most) out of someone's day could have saved us all this headache and stress. Unbelievable.

So, the ServPro guys did a great job. They started the very next day. As expected all the carpeting and laminate wood flooring had to be removed. Yep, 2,300 sq ft of flooring - gone. We had our friend go over and take photos of all the mess and damage. We needed to know what was going on and how bad it was. ServPro used 3 or 4 giant dehydrators, removed flooring, moldings, and dry wall. It took them about 5 days to get it all done. Oh by the way, the "leak" was in the laundry room. The washer hook-up was turned on to full blast, and about 2 whole walls of the laundry room were taken down. Just so you get an idea, when the ServPro guys began the job, the humidity in the house was close to 90%. Normal home humidity is between 30% - 40%. When ServPro finished, the humidity level was at 25%. They extrapulated so much water. Wow.

Needless to say we are distressed over the situation. Obviously, we can't settle on June 11th. They extend the closing to July 11th. Ok, that's fine. We just want the house fixed before we move in. The insurance appraiser went through and did his thing. But then his report had to be approved by his supervisor. Time dragged on. We were getting no news. Nothing. We also had mitigators from our realty company working on our behalf as well (thank goodness). July 11th came and went, and still we heard nothing. Not a peep from these people. It was very frustrating.

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